Master of Education (Leadership and Management) - Basic level entry

Flinders Univerisity
24 months
3 - 7
Intake (month)
Tuition Fee (Annual)

Được thành lập vào năm 1966, Flinders University nằm trong nhóm 2% các trường đại học hàng đầu thế giới theo bảng xếp hạng World University Rankings năm 2020 của Times Higher Education. Hiện tại, trường có gần 30.000 sinh viên đang theo học, trong đó có trên 3.000 sinh viên quốc tế đến từ 118 quốc gia. Bên cạnh đó, Flinders University còn là thành viên trong nhóm Các Trường Đại học Nghiên cứu Sáng tạo (IRU) và Hệ thống Các Trường Đại học Quốc tế (INU). Trụ sở chính của trường tọa lạc tại thành phố Adelaide, một trong mười thành phố đáng sống nhất trên thế giới (theo Trung tâm Thông tin Kinh tế, Bảng xếp hạng Chất lượng sống Toàn cầu 2019). Flinders còn nổi tiếng là trung tâm của các thành tựu truyền cảm hứng, từ những nghiên cứu tiên phong và phương pháp giảng dạy xuất sắc đến những tác động tích cực cho cộng đồng. Các chuyên ngành thế mạnh của trường là y dược, tâm lý học, sư phạm...


1. Thông tin chung về khóa học

Các khóa học của chúng tôi đặc biệt ở chỗ sinh viên sẽ tiếp cận lãnh đạo giáo dục từ góc độ nhân văn. Khóa học được thiết kế để xác định và xây dựng dựa trên thế mạnh của bạn với tư cách là một nhà lãnh đạo và cung cấp cho bạn sự hiểu biết về bản chất quan hệ và bối cảnh của lãnh đạo.

2. Cấu trúc khóa học:

  • Preparation for Coursework ProjectEDUC9722 Coursework Project in Education (Part 1)
  • Coursework Project in Education ( Part 2)
  • Approaches to Research
  • Leaders and Leadership in Educational Contexts
  • Theories of Organisational Change
  • Leadership and Management in Rural Contexts
  • Strategic Thinking and Planning
  • Leaders and Leadership
  • Pedagogical Leadership
  • Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning
  • Gifted Education: Conceptions of Giftedness, Intelligence and Creativity
  • IBMYP Curriculum Foundations
  • Studies of Asia Across the Curriculum: An Introduction
  • Studies of Asia: Contemporary Issues and Values
  • Educational Planning and Assessment for Students with Special Needs
  • Multimodal Childhoods in the 21st Century
  • STEM Growing a Generation of New Learners
  • Differentiation and Inclusive Educational Practices
  • Understanding Behaviour in Educational Contexts
  • Assessment, Planning and Teaching in Behaviour
  • Supporting Behaviour Change
  • Supporting Positive Behaviour in Schools
  • Complex Communication Needs and Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Personalised Curriculum Design for Learners with Disabilities
  • Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties in Schools
  • Intervention for Students with Literacy Difficulties
  • Current Perspectives in Early Intervention
  • Early Intervention: Learning From and Through Play
  • Studies in Orientation and Mobility: Research and Practice
  • Introduction to Sensory Impairment
  • Collaborative Consultation
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Teaching and Learning
  • Theories of Organisational Change
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Leading Knowledge Management for Organisational Learning
  • Planning Change in Organisations
  • Globalisation, Development and Education
  • Leadership and Management in Rural Contexts
  • Developing People in Organisations
  • Managing Innovation in Organisations
  • Advanced Issues in Education
  • Advanced Issues in Education A
  • Effective Use of ICT for Learning and Teaching
  • Teaching and learning to promote wellbeing and positive mental health in schools and early childhood services
  • Postgraduate Education: Purposes and Practices
  • Exploring Languages Pedagogy - Theory and Practice
  • Developing Literacies Through Intercultural Language Learning
  • Visualising Language Learning
  • Leading Change in the Digital Age
  • New Technologies and e-pedagogy in Foreign Language Education
  • Mindfulness and the Inner World of Teaching and Learning
  • Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition
  • The Psychology of Learning and Instruction
  • Applications of Psychology to Learning and Instruction
  • Research Design in Cognition and Instruction
  • Research Application in Cognition and Instruction
  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Survey and Questionnaire Methods
  • Methods in Ethnography
  • Researching Texts and Documents
  • Multivariate and Multilevel Statistics for Educational Research
  • Assessment in Education
  • + Gifted Education
  • Gifted Education: Conceptions of Giftedness, Intelligence and Creativity
  • Gifted Education: Curriculum and Differentiation
  • Gifted Education: Program Design and Evaluation
  • Gifted Education: Affective Development
  • Higher Education: A Global Context
  • Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
  • + International Baccalaureate
  • IBMYP Curriculum Foundations
  • IBMYP Curriculum Processes
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the IBMYP
  • Classroom Diversity and the IBMYP
  • + Languages Education
  • Leaders and Leadership
  • Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning
  • Effective Use of ICT for Learning and Teaching
  • Exploring Languages Pedagogy - Theory and Practice
  • Developing Literacies Through Intercultural Language Learning
  • Visualising Language Learning
  • New Technologies and e-pedagogy in Foreign Language Education
  • Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition
  • The Psychology of Learning and Instruction
  • Assessment in Education
  • Fundamental Concepts of Second Language Learning and Teaching in TESOL GE
  • Language Assessment in TESOL GE
  • Introduction to Second Language Acquisition GE
  • Introduction to Second Language Teaching Methodology GE
  • + Leadership and Management
  • Strategic Thinking and Planning
  • Leaders and Leadership
  • Pedagogical Leadership
  • Theories of Organisational Change
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Leading Knowledge Management for Organisational Learning
  • Planning Change in Organisations
  • Globalisation, Development and Education
  • Leadership and Management in Rural Contexts
  • Developing People in Organisations
  • Managing Innovation in Organisations
  • Leadership and Management in Education
  • Education Governance
  • Leading Change in the Digital Age
  • + Special Education
  • Contemporary Issues in Special Education
  • Studies in Vision Impairment 1
  • Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning
  • Gifted Education: Conceptions of Giftedness, Intelligence and Creativity
  • Educational Planning and Assessment for Students with Special Needs
  • Differentiation and Inclusive Educational Practices
  • Intervention for Students with Numeracy Difficulties
  • Understanding Behaviour in Educational Contexts
  • Supporting Behaviour Change
  • Supporting Positive Behaviour in Schools
  • Complex Communication Needs and Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Supporting Learners with Disability and Challenging Behaviour
  • Personalised Curriculum Design for Learners with Disabilities
  • Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties in Schools
  • Intervention for Students with Literacy Difficulties
  • Current Perspectives in Early Intervention
  • Early Intervention: Learning From and Through Play
  • Studies in Orientation and Mobility: Research and Practice
  • Introduction to Sensory Impairment
  • Collaborative Consultation
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Teaching and Learning
  • Mindfulness and the Inner World of Teaching and Learning
  • Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition
  • Gifted Education: Curriculum and Differentiation
  • + Studies of Asia
  • Studies of Asia Across the Curriculum: An Introduction
  • Studies of Asia: Contemporary Issues and Valuesv
  • Studies of Asia: Premodern Asian Societies and Cultures
  • Studies of Asia: Arts Learning Area 1 (Sources and Contexts)
  • Studies of Asia: Arts Learning Area 2 (Contemporary Arts of Asia)
  • Studies of Asia: English Learning Area 1 (Literatures from Asia)
  • Studies of Asia: English Learning Area 2 (Contemporary Asian Literature)
  • Studies of Asia: Utilising In-Country Experience
  • Issues in Professional Learning
  • Models of Professional Learning
  • Leading Professional Learning
  • Skills for Success: Academic Presentation
  • Skills for Success: Academic Writing

  • 3. Tháng có kỳ nhập học: tháng M003,M007 hàng năm

    4. Học phí: $A 31,000 / năm

    5. Xếp hạng theo chuyên ngành: Nằm trong top 200 thế giới về Giáo Dục.

    Để biết yêu cầu nhập học và nhận danh sách học bổng mới nhất, vui lòng bấm ĐĂNG KÝ để được tư vấn bởi Chuyên viên tư vấn giàu kinh nghiệm của ATS!


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