- Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Honours)
- Doctor of Education
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Education (Research)
- Master of Education (Learning and Leadership)
- Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Honours)
- Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
- Master of Teaching in Secondary Education

Thành lập năm 1988, Đại học Công nghệ Sydney (UTS) nằm trong top 133 trường đại học hàng đầu thế giới, là trường đại học trẻ tốt nhất nước Úc và đứng thứ 11 trong số 50 trường đại học dưới 50 năm tuổi. UTS cung cấp 130 khóa học cử nhân và 210 khóa học thạc sỹ trong môi trường học tập năng động và cơ sở vật chất hiện đại bậc nhất thế giới
Lý do hàng đầu để học ở đây
- Được đánh giá 5 sao trên các hạng mục: Chấ lượng giảng dạy, Chất lượng nghiên cứu, Tỷ lệ sinh viên có việc làm, Cơ sở vật chất, Tốc độ đổi mới...(QS Stars 2018-2021)
- Là đại học trẻ Top 1 tại Úc và top 11 trong các trường đại học trẻ dưới 50 tuổi hàng đầu thế giới
- Đứng thứ 69 thế giới về tỷ lệ sinh viên ra trường có việc làm
- Học xá hiện đại được đầu tư hơn 1 tỷ đô với cơ sở vật chất tối tân, phục vụ tối đa cho việc nghiên cứu và học tập của sinh viên
- Vị trí nằm ngay ở trung tâm thành phố Sydney sôi động, cho sinh viên trải nghiệm trọn vẹn thành phố phát triển nhất nước Úc
- Là một trong bốn trường đại học nổi bật tạo nên Australian Technology Network
- Đội ngũ giáo viên giỏi và giàu kinh nghiệm
Khóa học
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Applied Physics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Environmental Biology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Mathematics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Medical Science) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws
- Juris Doctor
- Juris Doctor Master of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Digital Forensics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Biology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry) Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Legal Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies
- Master of Laws
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Laws (Research)
- Graduate Diploma in Australian Law
- Master of Finance
- Master of Finance (Extension)
- Master of Financial Analysis
- Master of Management
- Master of Management (Extension)
- Master of Marketing
- Master of Marketing
- Master of Marketing (Extension)
- Master of Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management
- Master of Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management (Extension)
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Professional Accounting (Extension)
- Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management
- Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management (Extension)
- Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics
- Graduate Diploma in Finance
- Graduate Diploma in Financial Analysis
- Graduate Diploma in Management
- Graduate Diploma in Marketing
- Graduate Diploma in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Management
- Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Business (Honours)
- Bachelor of Management (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business
- Advanced Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Analytics (Extension)
- Master of Event Management
- Graduate Diploma in Strategic Supply Chain Management
- Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Doctor of Philosophy(Economics)
- Master of Business (Research)
- Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media)
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Media
- Bachelor of Property Economics
- Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Property Economics (Honours)
- Master of Property Development
- Master of Property Development and Investment
- Master of Property Development and Planning
- Master of Property Development and Project Management
- Master of Real Estate Investment
- Graduate Diploma in Property Development
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
- Master of Project Management
- Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Global Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Consumer Analytics)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Operation Analysis)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Risk Management)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Financial Mathematics)
- Juris Doctor Master of Business Administration
- Master of Quantitative Finance
- Graduate Diploma in Quantitative Finance
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Biomedical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil Engineering)(Construction)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil Engineering)(Structure)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil & Environmental)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)( Mechanical )
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechatronic & Mechanical )
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechatronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Data Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Software Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Biomedical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Civil Engineering )
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Medical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Medical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Applied Physics & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Environmental Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Civil Engineering)(Structures)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechatronic & Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechatronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Data Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Engineering (Advanced)
- Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Engineering (Extension)
- Master of Environmental Engineering Management
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Professional Practice
- Master of Project Management
- Master of Science(Biomedical Science and Biomedical Engineering)
- Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
- Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Engineering (Research)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Software Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Data Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Mechatronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science(Software Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Biomedical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Data Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Mechatronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Software Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice(No specified major)
- Master of Data Science and Innovation
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Learning Analytics (Research)
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology (Advanced)
- Master of Information Technology (Extension)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Business Information Systems Management)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Enterprise Systems Development)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Networking and Cybersecurity)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Mathematical Analysis)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Operations Research)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Statistics)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Cybersecurity and Privacy)
- Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)(Quantum Information Science)
- Bachelor of Science in Games Development
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Business Information System)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Business Information System)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Data analysis)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Enterprise System Development)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Network & Cybersecurity)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Business Information System)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Data analysis)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Enterprise System Development)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice(Network & Cybersecurity)
- Master of Information Systems (Advanced)
- Master of Information Systems (Extension)
- Master of Interaction Design
- Master of Interaction Design (Extension)
- Graduate Diploma in Internetworking
- Graduate Diploma in Information Systems
- Graduate Diploma in Interaction Design
- Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
- Doctor of Philosophy(Information Systems, Software Engineering, Analytics)
- Doctor of Philosophy(Computer Systems)
- Master of Analytics (Research)
- Master of Science (Research) in Computing Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Information Systems Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology
- Master of Animation and Visualisation
- Master of Information Systems
- Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
- Master of Advanced Health Services Management
- Master of Advanced Nursing
- Master of Health Services Management
- Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing
- Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
- Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing, Midwifery, Health)
- Master of Nursing (Research)
- Master of Midwifery (Research)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Health Science
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Health (Advanced)
- Graduate Diploma in Public Health
- Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
- Master of Advanced Health Services Management
- Master of Health Services Management
- Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
- Master of Health Services (Research)
- Master of Pharmacy
- Master of Pharmacy (International)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy)
- Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Research)
- Master of Pharmacy (Research)
- Master of Speech Pathology
- Doctor of Philosophy (Speech Pathology)
- Master of Speech and Language Sciences (Research)
- Doctor of Philosophy(Indigenous Health)
- Master of Indigenous Health (Research)
- Master of Orthoptics
- Doctor of Philosophy (Orthoptics)
- Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Biotechnology(Medical Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Biotechnology(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science(Medical Science)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Pre-Medicine)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Biomedical Science)
- Master of Good Manufacturing Practice
- Graduate Diploma in Good Manufacturing Practice
- Bachelor of Advanced Science(Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Cellular Pathology)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Microbiology and Host Responses)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
- Master of Medical Biotechnology
- Master of Medical Biotechnology (Extension)
- Master of Philosophy in Medical Biotechnology
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Biomedical Engineering)(Physical Science Stream)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Biomedical Engineering)(Biomedical Sciences Stream)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Physics
- Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry
- Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Biomedical Physics (Honours)
- Bachelor of Communication (Honours)
- Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production)
- Bachelor of Design in Animation
- Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication)
- Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences)
- Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Honours)
- Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Media Practice and Industry
- Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing)
- Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Executive Master of Strategic Communication
- Master of Professional Practice
- Master of Strategic Communication
- Master of Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
- Graduate Diploma in Strategic Communication
- Graduate Diploma in Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Media
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing
- Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Design in Animation
- Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles
- Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture
- Bachelor of Design in Photography
- Bachelor of Design in Product Design
- Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
- Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Animation
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion and Textiles
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Interior Architecture
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Photography
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Visual Communication
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Product Design
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Architecture
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture
- Graduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Architecture (Research)
- Bachelor of Construction Project Management
- Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Master of Planning
- Master of Project Management
- Graduate Diploma in Planning
- Graduate Diploma in Construction Management
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
- Master of Built Environment (Research)
- Master of Design (Research)
- Master of Design
- Graduate Diploma in Design
- Master of Interaction Design
- Master of Interaction Design (Extension)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI)
- Master of Sport Management
- Master of Sport Management (Extension)
- Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business
- Graduate Diploma in Sport Management
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Media
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Medical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Medical Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Applied Physics & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science(Environmental Science & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
- Master of Science(Mathematical and Statistical Modelling)
- Master of Science(Marine Science and Management )
- Master of Science(Physical Science and Biomedical Engineering)
- Master of Science(Biomedical Science and Biomedical Engineering)
- Master of Science in Internetworking
- Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Graduate Diploma in Sport Management
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Media
- Doctor of Philosophy (Sport and Exercise)
- Master of Sport and Exercise (Research)
- Master of Genetic Counselling
- Doctor of Philosophy (Genetic Counselling)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science in Games Development
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Business Information System)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Data analysis)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Enterprise System Development)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Network & Cybersecurity)
- Master of Genetic Counselling (Research)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Biology)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Digital Forensic)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(CSI)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Applied Physics)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Medical Science)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Environmental Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Nanotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Consumer Analytics)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Operation Analysis)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Risk Management)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies(Financial Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science(Applied Physics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Environmental Biology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Mathematics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science(Medical Science) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Biotechnology(Medical Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Biotechnology(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Environmental Biology
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Biology)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Digital Forensic)
- Bachelor of Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science(Applied Physics)
- Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science(Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science(Medical Science)
- Bachelor of Science(Nanotechonology)
- Bachelor of Science(Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science(Environmental Sciences)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Advanced Materials and Data Science)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Pre-Medicine)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Applied Physics)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Biotechonology)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Medical Science)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation(Environmental Sciences)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Digital Forensics) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Biology) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry) Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Advanced Science(Advanced Materials and Data Science)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science(Pre-medicine)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science(Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Mathematical and Statistical Modelling)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Marine Science and Management)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Biomedical Engineering)
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science
- Master of Science (Research) in Mathematical Sciences
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Biology) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(CSI) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Doctor of Philosophy (Transdisciplinary Innovation)
- Master of Transdisciplinary Innovation (Research)
- Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (Honours)
- Master of Data Science and Innovation
- Master of Data Science and Innovation
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
- Master of Philosophy in Medical Biotechnology
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Mathematical ans Statistical Modelling)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Marine Science and Management)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Biomedical Engineering)(Physical Science Stream)
- Master of Philosophy in Science(Biomedical Engineering)(Biomedical Sciences Stream)
- Master of Science (Extension)(Mathematical ans Statistical Modelling)
- Master of Science (Extension)(Marine Science and Management)
- Master of Science (Extension)(Biomedical Engineering)(Physical Science Stream)
- Master of Science (Extension)(Biomedical Engineering)(Biomedical Sciences Stream)
- Graduate Diploma in Medical Biotechnology
- Doctor of Philosophy(Science (Research))
- Master of Science (Research)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Physics
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Biology)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science(Digital Forensic)
- Bachelor of Science in Analytics
- Bachelor of Biomedical Physics (Honours)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Analytics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nanotechnology
- Master of Forensic Science
- Master of Forensic Science (Extension)
- Master of Philosophy in Forensic Science
Tìm kiếm học bổng

Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for direct entry into the selected UTS PG coursework program.
- Scholarship is open to international students who have been made an offer, and are granted solely on the basis of academic merit.

International Postgraduate Coursework Full Tuition Scholarship
- Scholarship: 100% tuition fee scholarship for the standard course duration
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the selected course and have an overall mark of 90% or equivalent in a UTS recognized Bachelor qualification.
- Scholarship awarded to the highest ranked applicant(s) on the basis of academic merit coupled with the applicant’s response to the question: “How do you intend to use your UTS degree to make a positive contribution to the community?”

UTS Science International Undergraduate/Postgraduate Scholarship for Excellence
Scholarship: 5.000 AUD towards first session tuition fees
Applicants must meet all admission criteria for the selected coursework program at UTS Faculty of Science.

UTS Science International Diploma to Degree Scholarship for Excellence (Insearch)
Scholarship: 5.000 AUD towards first session tuition fees
Applicans must have completed a Diploma in Science at UTS Insearch and be commencing an UG program at UTS Faculty of Science.

South East Asia Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarship
- Scholarship: 25% tuition fees scholarship for the standard course duration
- Applicants must be admitted to UTS based on a UTS recognised Diploma qualification from South East Asia with a GPA of 3.4 out of 4.0 or equivalent; and
- Meet all admission requirements for direct entry into the selected UTS UG coursework program.

UTS Insearch to UTS Pathways Scholarship
Scholarship: 50% tuition fees scholarship for the standard course duration
Up to 8 recipients, 4 per UTS intake, will be awarded each year.
Eligible recipients:
- Must have completed a UTS Insearch Diploma, and have an overall GPA of 6.0 or above in their Diploma; and
- Meet the UTS admission criteria for the selected UTS undergraduate degree course; and
- Must be commencing studies in a UTS undergraduate degree that directly articulates from their UTS Insearch Diploma course, in the next available intake after completion of the candidate’s Diploma.
Recipients selected based on:
- Motivation to succeed in your chosen UTS degree program, as demonstrated by the Scholarship application; and
- Commitment to utilise your UTS degree to help your community, as demonstrated by the Scholarship application; and
- Personal experience and achievement, including but not limited to examples of community service, innovation or entrepreneurship, as demonstrated in the Scholarship application.
- Academic merit based on UTS Insearch Diploma results may also be considered.

Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Scholarship: 25% of the tuition fee towards the whole duration of the course
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for direct entry into the selected UTS UG program.
- Scholarship is open to international students who have been made an offer, and are granted solely on the basis of academic merit.

Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Scholarship: 5.000 AUD towards first session tuition fees
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for direct entry into the selected UTS PG coursework program
- Scholarship is open to international students who have been made an offer, and are granted solely on the basis of academic merit

Engineering and IT Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for their selected Masters by coursework degree program at the Faculty of Engineering and IT
- Scholarships are granted solely on the basis of academic merit.

International Undergraduate Coursework Full Tuition Scholarship
- Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the selected course and have an overall mark of 85% or equivalent in a UTS recognized high school qualification.
- Scholarship awarded to the highest ranked applicant(s) on the basis of academic merit coupled with the applicant’s response to the question: “How do you intend to use your UTS degree to make a positive contribution to the community?”

UTS FEIT International Mathematical Olympiad Scholarship Vietnam
- Scholarships: 100% tuition fees + living stipend
- Applicant must be a gold, silver or bronze medallist of the annual International Mathematical Olympiad the year prior to or the same year as applying for this Scholarship; and
- Have applied and been deemed eligible for direct entry to any undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Engineering and IT

Scholarship for International Baccalaureate (IB) Graduates from South East Asia
- Scholarship: 50% tuition fees scholarship for the standard course duration
- Applicants must meet all admission criterias for the selected UTS undergraduate degree course;
- Must obtain an aggregate score including bonus and penalty points of 28 or above in their International Baccalaureate (IB) final grades or 33 or above in their International Baccalaureate predicted grades at the point of scholarship application; and
- Completed the IB Diploma no longer than 1 year prior to commencing at UTS, and be admitted based on this qualification to UTS.

UTS Diploma to Degree Scholarship for High School Graduates from Vietnam
- Students must come from a non-UTS selected gifted/specialised schools in Vietnam with a minimum GPA of 8.2 in Year 12.
- Must successfully complete a UTS Insearch Diploma in Sydney and be admitted based on this qualification to UTS; and
- Must be commencing studies in a UTS undergraduate degree that directly articulates from their UTS Insearch Diploma course, in the next available intake after completion of the candidate’s Diploma

South East Asia Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarship
- Applicants must be admitted to UTS based on
- an Australian Year 12 qualification, or
- a UTS recognised high school qualification comparable to an Australian Year 12, or
- a UTS recognised Australian Foundation Studies program
- Meet all admission requirements for direct entry into the selected UTS UG coursework program.

Master of Professional Engineering Scholarship
Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the Master of Professional Engineering program and accept their offer on time

Health International Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship Value 25% of tuition fees
Applicants must apply and commence a Masters by coursework degree in Health Services Management, Public Health or Good Manufacturing Practice at UTS Faculty of Health or Graduate School of Health full-time and on campus (Sydney); and meet all admission requirements for the selected program.
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